Monday, February 27, 2012
Here are my opinions about things. Maybe quite "look like the same " to people who past away said.
1.When you don't know what you want, you will get "nothing".
好像人總要在逆境中求成長,有時候自認為順風,其實這風不一定是帶著你往你想要去的方向。 請準備好你的記錄指針,在這人生的航道上,沒有一個常規能永遠適用。記錄下在每個環境中,學到的點點滴滴,調整好腳步、往下個島邁進。...歡迎來到,新世界囧...。
2.Things fade away.
I love my dog also. Like to train it biting clothes, chasing around and do nothing, putting it on a desk higher enough that she wont jump down and getting some food to trick her. ....
All these things will be gone. Someday I can only figure their shapes by picture, notebook, memories. No longer smelling its dog smell & being waked up by that soft chanting. Someday, there is going to be my turn, facing the endless darkness, no more light, no more sound, no more mind, no more anything. I still think this is QUITE a sad thing, 如果搭配哀傷音樂可能眼淚就要洩洪了T^T.
時常有人覺得為什麼別人不為他想想,到後來別人也開始覺得有人也是不為他著想。通常還會有個路人丙跟丁,分別為兩邊候選人站台,事情愈走愈歪,各種心理預測、趨勢分析都出來了。從一開始一個人開始猜測另一個人心裡想什麼,幫忙另一人設定了很多腳本、責任義務而放棄了溝通或是省略了溝通。漸漸方向可能不同了,兩人開始拔河,有時候有人拔贏,然後有人要開始喝酒,then maybe 大吵一架,有人覺得無辜,可能和解了,調整新的方向,結局可能不拔了、各走各的路吧。
Sooooooooooo many things are hard to understand unless you get some experience.
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