I have taken a course teaching how to programming by doing named An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python in Coursera. It's a nice course with funny professors and a easy pace. I learned some basic c in university, compared to c, it's much more easier for a beginner who is not familiar to the computer architecture.
So here I going to write down things I learned from this course, and trying to translate them into Chinese. I'm not going to take the information from the course or internet for any commercial usage. It's just a note for myself and for those who interested.
今天開始(嗯哼),我會開始整理python的學習心得。我想會先依在Coursera中上的課Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python(用python來寫有趣的互動程式)裡的內容。這堂課的目標是寫出個Asteroids arcade,不需任何寫程式經驗。所以我的目標也是把這些內容用中文記錄下來,讓讀的人可以寫個小行星遊戲(或是其他類似小程式)!
對於我這個有空上去看看教學短片與寫寫作業,偶爾上上論壇查不懂的東西的悠哉學生而言,我覺得這門課最不錯的地方是peer assessment 這個功能,你可以看你同學寫的小程式,並給他們打分數。(寫了小遊戲給別人玩會有種莫名的小感動?)當然一群宅宅的又好笑的教授實在幫這門課增添不少趣味(裡面有個約翰好像派大星)。
0.1 Codesculptor ?
0.2 Python ?
0.3 要寫出這樣的小遊戲需要些什麼?(其實好簡單)
0.3.1 圖形介面
0.3.2 讓東西會動
0.3.3 small project 0
file I/O related docus
usage like:
import os
可讓python的作業資料夾移至' '裡的資料夾,便於讀取檔案(open())。
Time complexity of casual python objects